Contact us
Levanger Town Hall
Håkon den godesgt. 30
7600 Levanger
74 05 25 00
Levanger kommune
Postboks 130
7601 Levanger
Opening hours of the service office:
Monday - Friday
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Emergency phone numbers
Fire: 110
Police: 112
Medical emergencies: 113
Emergency room: 116 117
About Levanger municipality
Levanger is a municipality situated in te country of Trøndelag, in the central part of Norway.
Approximately 20 440 people live here.
Levanger is an old market place that already had a large trade in the Middle Ages. On 18 May 1836, the market town received city status. This disappeared with the municipal merger in 1962, but was taken back on 1 January 1997, see case in the municipal council 125/96 (the municipal number is still 1719).
The town is located at the entrance to Eidsbotn, a two-thousand-acre fjord basin where the tide flows out and in through Levangersundet where the harbor is located. The harbor is ice-free and sheltered from wind and weather.
There is a great variety in landscape types, from sea and coast to forest, bog and low mountain areas.
Among the municipality's approx. Of the 30 industrial companies, Norske Skog is the largest with its 650 man-years. The company is one of the world's leading paper producers and is located in the town of Skogn. about. 10 km south of the city. The municipality has a varied business community with small and medium-sized businesses, not least in food and technology.
Levanger Hospital (health Nord-Trøndelag HF) is the largest single workplace in the municipality with approx. 1000 man-years.
Levanger is the country's third largest agricultural municipality.
Levanger is known as a school town. Here there is an active and well-developed primary school, upper secondary school (Levanger upper secondary school), folk high school (Skogn Folkehøgskole), university with i.a. teacher education and nursing education (Nord University) located in Røstad.
It is approx. 2,000 students at Nord University's departments in Levanger. The students are an important part of the cityscape and provide the basis for a rich nightlife in the municipality. The Student Union in Nord-Trøndelag has its headquarters in Levanger.
Trønderhallen in Røstad is a multi-purpose hall with a swimming pool that opened in 2011. Trønderhallen is an important meeting point between the university, municipality, sports and the public and is seen as an important investment for good public health.
Levanger has long trading traditions. These will be, among other things, taken care of at the traditional "Marsimartnan" at the turn of the month February/March and Levangermartnan in July/August.
Tourist information
The housing estates in the center of Levanger were built after the last town fire in 1897 and are one of the few remaining wooden buildings in central Norway from around 1900. The housing estates give the wooden town its distinctive character with various styles such as Swiss, Neo-Gothic and Art Nouveau. In 2018, Levanger received status as a protected cultural environment of national value.
Purpose of the preservation of Levanger as a cultural environment On 9 November 2018, large parts of the center of Levanger were protected as a cultural environment. The preservation includes the city's streets and squares, green areas, and buildings with backyards. In total, 157 properties are fully or partially covered by cultural environmental protection.
With the conservation, we take care of a wooden house environment of national value. It is an example of an urban wooden house environment as it appeared at the turn of the 20th century, and it is well preserved.
Information about accommodation, activities and experiences can be found at the tourist office.
You can read more about the opportunities throughout the region at Visit Innherred.
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